His Internal Ministry – The Pertinence Of The Holy Spirit – Giving Work Gifts

Bible Audio Blog

What is an #apostle?  Were they just the hand picked followers of #Christ or is the #HolySpirit still enabling Believers with the work gift of apostleship today?  I personally have a friend who has the work gift of craftsmanship.  

Brother Tommy next details the work gift of faith and how it differs from saving Faith.  What about the gift of giving?  Is it only for the well off individual?  What is it about the gifts of healing that makes us unsettled?  Does God always want someone healed?  What do we need to know about the gift of leadership?  How about mercy?  Are there still miracles being performed?  Which gift refers to feeding and caring for the flock?  And finally, similar to pastoring but standing on its own is serving.  What is the reward for using these gifts properly?

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His Internal Ministry – The Pertinence Of The Holy Spirit – Growing Upward Graces

Bible Audio Blog

This week we look at the three remaining facets of the #fruit of the #Spirit and we see that all of these graces have one thing in common, they cannot be bought.  So #money or the lack thereof is of no consequence when it comes to obtaining them.  The last three of these, Brother Tommy calls upward graces because they have to do with our relationship with the Lord.  What does it mean to be faithful?  What is the counterfeit of faithfulness and what is the opposite of it?  Meekness is defined by most people as weakness, but the Bible says it is the opposite of that.  It also has an opposite and a counterfeit.  And finally, what is temperance and its opposite and counterfeit?  What does the Bible say about attempting self-control without the help of the Holy Spirit?

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Christmas Light

Christmas Wish

Holy Spirit as Tree

Bible Audio Blog

      19840422pm Holy Spirit As Tree - Rev. Tommy Jones


What does a #tree represent to you?  Trees are mentioned throughout the Bible.  They give #shade, #fruit, #wood for construction and even life giving oxygen.  There is even a whole industry dedicated to making fake trees.  Have you ever seen a tree that produces nine different fruits?  What kind of love does the Holy Spirit produce in believers?  Why is it important that love is the first fruit mentioned?  How does the Holy Spirit use this love to produce peace?  What other fruits does He produce in believers?  How can you become a believer and plant this type of tree?  And how do you tend to this tree once you have planted it?

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A New Year without Fear

Bible Audio Blog

      19850106 A New Year Without Fear - Rev. Tommy Jones


Was 2017 a scary place for you?  It seemed full of #uprisings, #protests, #politics, and just bad news.  But what was your reference point?  Did you know that there are 365 times the Bible says ‘fear not.’  Will you approach 2018 in faith or fear?  Are there any good or healthy fears?  What can overcome unhealthy or irrational fears?  If believers in God have not been given a spirit of fear like the Bible says, what keeps some of us from moving forward?

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Fruit of the Spirit

Bible Audio Blog

      19870830 Fruit Of The Spirit - Rev. Tommy Jones


What makes a #Christian different from the rest of the World?  They bear #fruit.  Interestingly, my pastor at #BiltmoreChurch touched on this today when he said that it is the fruit of the Spirit, not the fruits of the Spirit.  His point was that Christians should have all of these characteristics not just a few (Brother Tommy makes this point as well).  Is #Love for others easy and natural or an act of will?  How do we get joy?  The whole world wants peace, and yet Christ has given it to His followers as a gift.  What is meant by long-suffering?  Is gentleness something we could use more of today?  Does goodness come from God our ourselves?  Faith produces what?  Is faith dependent on circumstances or situations?  How has meekness gotten a bad rap?  Was Jesus meek?  How about Moses?  Temperance or self control is not en vogue right now, but should it be?

For more information, click on the Gift link on the front Page of findbibletruth.com

Reason or Revelation

Bible Audio Blog

      19790905 Role Of Religion - As Superior To Science - Identify The Issues - Rev. Tommy Jones


This week we continue to look at the role of #Religion,specifically #Christianity and how it is superior to #Science.  How important is reasoning in getting through this life?  How important is revelation?  Are they mutually exclusive?  What if reason and revelation don’t run in opposite directions?  How can revelation take us further than reason?  Follow Brother Tommy as he takes us through the correlations between God’s Word and Science.  Why is it important to bring together these two disciplines?  Where can we find the beginning of wisdom and knowledge?

For more information, click on the Gift link on the front Page of findbibletruth.com